Climate Week 2024

Climate Week 2024

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This September, Climate Week at the Explorers Club returns, highlighting the fundamental changes needed in our everyday lives, to protect nature, as climate change unfolds. 

Leading with groundbreaking journalism with Pulitzer, Inside Climate News, Mongabay and NOVA, we will then explore new discoveries from polar landscapes to the Amazon and beyond. We will announce cutting-edge solutions to confront the climate and biodiversity crises, with the Daniels Family Sustainable Energy Foundation and X-Prize.

Once again, Indigenous leaders will take centerstage, to bridge the divide between science and the human perspective, stewarding pristine ecosystems bearing the deep impact of modern economies on the natural world. With breathtaking art exhibits, and plenty of networking time built into the program, this year’s Climate Week promises to be an unprecedented gathering of explorers who can truly make a difference!


Tickets for all 5:00 pm programs are $20 and tickets for all 7:00 pm programs are $50. Please note that all 7:00 pm programs include a reception and check-in which begins at 6:00 pm.

Our Explorers Corner Bar at Club Headquarters will remain open all week until 10:00 pm, so Members & Guests can continue to network after the event. 

Climate Ambassador Pass tickets include access to all ticketed programs, as well as special recognition and automatic entrance into our raffle. A portion of the Climate Ambassador Pass is tax-deductible and helps support programs like our Climate Week and critical climate work around the globe. 


Join us and help us change the world!

5pm - Climate News that Moves the World

Join leading journalists bringing you news from the frontlines of the climate crisis. How do we tell these stories to make an impact and inspire change in our economies and the way we relate to and protect nature? How do we help journalists do their jobs, in this often life-threatening endeavor? We will explore groundbreaking approaches and inspiring strategies that will keep environmental journalism alive, reporting on the scientific discoveries and progress that matter to all.

7pm - Beyond the Ice: The Worldwide Impact of Arctic Extremes

How do we integrate polar regions into global climate conversation? Explore Arctic extreme conditions, their impact on the global climate crisis, and Arctic communities. Emphasize the need for international collaboration for timely solutions. Engage with key experts in a conversation for the future of our planet. Featuring a special kick-off fireside chat with iconic Explorers Club Medalist Bertrand Piccard.
Curated in collaboration with the Foundation Prince Albert II of Monaco, Harvard Kennedy School's Belfer Center, and Woodwell Climate Research Institute.
  • Dr. John Holdren, Research Professor at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, Co-Director of the Science, Technology, and Public Policy Program at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, and former Science Advisor to President Obama.
  • Dr. Sue Natali, senior scientist and Arctic ecologist at the Woodwell Climate Research Center and lead of the Permafrost Pathways initiative.
  • Edward Alexander, Co-Chair of the Gwich'in Council International and Head of Delegation to the Senior Arctic Officials.
  • Moderator: Allison Agsten, Director of the Center for Climate Journalism at USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism.

5pm - High-Impact Climate Action with the Rights of Nature

Did you know that many governments around the world have chosen to recognize the legal rights of trees, rivers and entire ecosystems, just as they recognize human rights? Join Indigenous leaders, journalists and advocates to explore the revolutionary progress and impact of these vital new steps toward bringing back balance in our relationship with nature.
Followed by lightning talks from Rights of Nature advocates, scientists, lawyers, funders and TEC members and EC50. What do the Rights of Nature mean to you?

7pm - Unlocking Investments in Nature

The United Nations have called for solutions placing nature at the heart of helping to resolve the biodiversity loss and climate change crisis.  We do not want to come anywhere close to a world that lacks this diversity which has value in its own right. This requires research and innovation, science-based and future-oriented policy making, changes in consumption and subsidies, and, increased funding in nature-based among other solutions for tackling the twin crises. This session will highlight the need for investing in nature, showcase the various means of investing in nature that are being pursued, and share some of the specific challenges and opportunities that confront various kinds of investors and investments, suggesting pathways forward.

Carlos Manuel Rodriguez, CEO of the Global Environment Facility, will speak first, followed by a panel moderated by John Tobin-de la Puente, Professor of Practice of Corporate Sustainability, Cornell University. The panelists will be discussing various opportunities, constraints and ways forward for unlocking investments in nature:

2:30pm - Unlocking Climate Solutions with NGEN Explorers

Special introduction by Sarah, Duchess of York

Groundbreaking research from the front lines of climate science, with The Explorers Club's Next Generation Exploration Network, a group of Explorers Club members under the age of 35 who are changing the world.

  • Rosemary Ostfeld - How To Fight Climate Change At Every Meal with Healthy PlanEat
  • Reuven Bank - Climate Stars: How Restoring Endangered Sunflower Sea Stars Can Contribute to Kelp Forest Recovery and Mitigate the Impacts of Climate Change
  • Neal Kelso - The Power of Ecological Calendars in a Volatile Pacific Climate
  • Travis Bayer - Emerging Technology for Wildlife Conservation in a Changing World: A Case Study of Neotropical Bats
  • Alexandra Climent - Protecting the Ecological Corridor of the Americas: The Darién Gap
  • Hari Budha Magar

5:00pm - XPRIZE Rainforest: Innovating for Biodiversity's Future

Join us for a showcase of groundbreaking solutions from the six finalist teams of the XPRIZE Rainforest competition, dedicated to advancing biodiversity monitoring in some of the world's most vital ecosystems. Featuring cutting-edge technologies such as drone-deployed sensors, eDNA analysis, and AI-driven data insights, this event highlights the intersection of innovation and conservation, paving the way for a sustainable and peaceful future in harmony with nature.

7pm - Peace with Nature in Colombia: Setting the Stage for the Biodiversity COP16

Few if any other countries have matched Colombia’s efforts in halting deforestation and beginning to truly enforce protections for the vital ecosystems that make all life possible on this planet. As a result, Colombia is becoming the premier destination for all who love nature, and dedicate their lives to understanding it, including explorers, scientists and naturalists. As one of the most biodiverse countries in the world, Colombia is playing a key role in the upcoming UN COP16 Biodiversity summit, centered on the theme of restoring peace with nature, and turning what we think of a commodity into a community, guided by science and Indigenous knowledge. 

Ambassador Leonor Zalabata Torres, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Colombia to the United Nations. Born in the Arhuaco indigenous village of Jewrwa, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, in Colombia, she is the first indigenous woman appointed as her country’s ambassador to the United Nations.  Prior to her appointment, she served in various capacities as an advocate for the rights of indigenous peoples and their political representation in Colombia and environmental justice.

5PM - Moving Beyond Fashion’s Waste to Protect Nature

The fashion industry shows us that popular behavior can change with every season. Can we use that to our advantage to change people’s habits to reduce our impact on the planet? The fashion industry is one of the most wasteful in the world, and sustainable brands have struggled to survive, while the environmental impact of fast fashion is growing with population. Global leaders will showcase proven solutions and brainstorm strategies in a Climate Week first, on the heels of fashion week.
  • Samina Virk, North American CEO of Vestiaire Collective
  • Arshiya Lal, Director of Corporate Development at Circ
  • Liz Ricketts, Executive Director and Co-Founder of The Or Foundation
  • Sophia Li, Journalist, Vogue +. EarthShot Prize, co-founder STEWARD, host Climate Talks (Meta)
  • Jennifer Gootman, Global Head of Sustainability & ESG Strategy at Tory Burch

7PM - Green Buildings, Healthier Lives: Lifesaving Discoveries to Survive Heatwaves, with the Daniels Family Sustainable Energy Foundation

This year’s summer temperatures set global records, threatening the lives of hundreds of millions of people with no access to air conditioning. Relying on electrical power to lower temperatures of homes is often impossible, due to lack of resources, and because most electricity is still produced with fossil fuels, which make the problem worse. 
Today, the Daniels Family Sustainable Energy Foundation will unveil a newly patented, nanotechnology to solve this problem without the use of electricity. Come join us for the big announcement and to hear about its impact in developing countries and right here in NYC!
  • William B Daniels II, Founder and President, Daniels Family Sustainable Energy Foundation
  • Gregory Daniels, Member of the Board of Directors, Daniels Family Sustainable Energy Foundation
  • James Churchill, Architectural Conservator, Columbia University

5pm - Solutions Journalism from Nature's Frontline, with Mongabay

Mongabay journalists have been researching, exploring and reporting in-depth stories about climate and environmental change for a quarter of a century. Celebrating their 25th anniversary, Mongabay promotes investigative, independent journalism worldwide. Come to hear about the global impact of their vital work and how it inspires the public with concrete solutions to the climate crisis.

7pm - The ClimateMusic Project: a Soirée

We finish Climate Week with special guest, world-renowned violinist Scarlett Rivera, and the Climate Music Project, which showcases poignant imagery and climate facts in combination with their world-class musical performance, which will include the world premiere of Voice of the Animals.
  • Stephan Crawford, EC50, Exec Producer, ClimateMusic Project
  • Fran Schulberg, Exec Producer, ClimateMusic Project
  • Peter Lalampaa, EC50, Executive Director of Grevy’s Zebra Trust and Board Member of Wildlife Conservation Network


Chair of Climate Week - Dr. Alexander More, FN'18

President of The Explorers Club - Richard Garriott, LM'98



Header Photo Courtesy of Kogia / Keith Ladzinski

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