Nanuk Narratives

Nanuk Narratives

Regular price $35.50
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Nanuk Narratives: Voices of the People Living Alongside Polar Bears

Nanuk Narratives” is an Inuit-led series of short documentary films about the deep and enduring relationship among Inuit and polar bears (nanuk). Hearing directly from Inuit across the Canadian Arctic and Greenland, these videos explore a diversity of topics, including Inuit observations of bear abundance and health, human-bear encounters and safety, tracking and hunting bears, cooking and eating bears, the cultural and emotional connections to bears, and Inuit recommendations for polar bear management.

This event will be presented by David Borish, the director of this initiative, who is also an EC50 Class of 2023 member. David will screen a variety of short films that hear from community voices, and talk about the process of co-creating films in partnership with Inuit communities, wildlife co-management boards, local filmmakers, researchers, and others. David will also share his experience filming polar bears across the Arctic, including skidooing in temperatures below -40 fahrenheit, and the sailing through the Northwest Passage on Le Commandant Charcot icebreaker.

In-person tickets are $20 for Members, and $35 for the General Public.
Check-in will begin at 6:00 pm, with a beer and wine reception from 6:00 – 7:00 pm

Click here to learn more.

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